What is PCI DSS and Why Does it Matter?

Hosting an eCommerce website already comes with its own headaches, where to host it for optimum speed, what to use as a payment gateway, what cart to use etc etc and then your payment merchant contacts you to check your PCI status and the question that may be on your mind is “What is PCI DSS […]

New Features in cPanel & WHM 11.50

We’ve been using 11.50 at Simple Servers since its release, there are some exciting new features on the latest tier of cpanel & WHM. Some features of specific interest are. CentOS 7 Support * As part of version 11.50, cPanel & WHM offers support for CentOS 7 on fresh installations. Synchronised Calendar & Contacts One […]

cPanel Exam Week @ Simple Servers

Over at Simple Servers all our technical team routinely take the cPanel exam and its this time of year again for us to put our skills to the test. This year the sales team are entering into the equation. It is rare for sales people to do hands-on modifications to a server for their job. […]

Prevent Main System Directories From “rm -rf” Accidents

Something must be in the air this week as I have come across two instances of dedicated server clients accidentally when trying to clear the Magento cache (public_html/var/cache) (rm -r mage*), running the command on the server main /var directory (rm /var/* -rf) Whoops. With out a system backup such as R1 where we can […]

Magento sold as part of eBay Enterprise sell off

We all knew it was on the cards but eBay has confirmed previous rumors that it’s selling its enterprise services business, eBay Enterprise, for $925 million.     The unit specialises in developing and managing ecommerce sites for retailers that are looking to re-create their real-world business on the Internet. This includes Magento. In the […]

New Magento SUPEE-6285 Security Patch

A new security patch has been released for Magento < 1.9.2 (SUPEE-6285) 7th July 2015. This bundle provides protection against several types of security-related issues, including information leaks, request forgeries, and cross-site scripting. The patch resolves issues in the following areas: Customer Information Leak via RSS and Privilege Escalation Description: Improper check for authorized URL leads […]

JetPack and TwentyFifteen Vulnerable to DOM-based XSS

Any WordPress Plugin or theme that leverages the genericons package is vulnerable to a DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability due to an insecure file included with genericons. The JetPack plugin (reported to have over 1 million active installs) and the TwentyFifteen theme (installed by default) are found to be vulnerable. The exact count is difficult to measure, but […]

Magento SUPEE-5994 Security Patch

A second security issue has been announced by Magento SUPEE-5994 (14th May 2015) as part of their ongoing commitment to excellence in platform security and performance. This patch needs to be applied to ALL versions of Magento Community. All of our clients will have received an email this morning with links to relevant literature including […]

Recent Critical Magento Security Patch Warnings (Shoplift SUPEE-5344)

A few of our customers might have received an email last evening (16 Apr 2015) about the latest patches available for your Magneto installation. The subject of the email must have been something by the lines – Critical Reminder: Download and install Magento security patches. You might also have noticed a warning in your Magento […]

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