Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.2 and Community Edition 1.9.2

Magento Enterprise Edition 1.14.2 and Community Edition 1.9.2 has been released giving users even more power to accelerate their growth through enhanced merchandising tools and deeper business insights. Key new features include: New automated product category sorting capabilities for Enterprise Edition that make merchandising faster and consistently highlight top performing and profitable products. Integration of […]

Magento Community 1.9.1 Released

We are excited  to report that Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 has been released! It offers  a new set of features that help create compelling shopping experiences across multiple devices. Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 includes the following new features: Configurable swatches enable merchants to show off a range of product attributes, such as colors, fabrics, or […]

Magento Go has gone

Magento Go will close it’s doors on Feb. 1, 2015. Magento, the e-commerce platform of eBay Inc.’s e-commerce division eBay Enterprise, will discontinue two of its products geared toward small and mid-sized e-retailers, Magento announced today. The Magento Go and ProStores platforms, which count as clients 10,000 merchants, will have the plug pulled on Feb. […]

Magento Community Edition Release

The latest Magento 1.8.1 release includes many contributions from the Magento developer community and empowers merchants to operate their online stores more easily and efficiently by delivering significant tax calculation updates, functional improvements, and security enhancements, including: Tax Calculation Updates Building on tax improvements made in our most recent release, Magento Community Edition provides […]

When the Cloudflare Railgun Backfires

UPDATE I spoke with 2 team leads from Clouflare on the phone today, both really nice and helpful guys. They will be sorting the issues out we had. Top marks guys! —————————————————————————————- Cloudflare is an excellent service and we recommend it thouroughly having had a great experience until this week. One of our customers was […]

Automatic IP unblocking

We have launched an automatic IP unblocking tool for all shared hosting customers, including SSD shared servers. User only need to login to the WHMCS portal to unblock they ip address, no further action is require. We hope this will really help with some customers frustration at being blocked, if we didn’t run an aggressive set of firewall rules a lot of sites would become exploited. […]

Magento Hosting, why hardware really matters

Last week we set up a dedicated dual CPU xeon running at 3.30 ghz with 16gb of ram and a Samsung SSD drive for a customer who wanted unmanaged Magento hosting. Things were fine until he needed constant support and it turned out had never managed any kind of server. Only issue was he refused […]

New Magento SSD Hosting

We have been busy at Simple HQ, our engineers have come up with the fastest shared hosting available! We have fused the power of the latest dell quad core xeons with the latest SSD Samsung drives to give you the fastest Magento shared hosting available. We only allow 8 accounts per server so resources are […]

Speed up Magento

 Here are some top tips to make magento fly Please note this page is now depreciated as of 1st Oct 2015 All of the server work is done by us for our clients, as standard we use Xcache, Nginx and Litespeed Get a SSD  dedicated server Or SafeCloud VPS Host your site in the country where […]

What is Litespeed Web Server?

LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server. It is completely Apache interchangeable so LiteSpeed Web Server can quickly replace a major bottleneck in your existing web delivery platform. With its comprehensive range of features and easy-to-use web administration console, LiteSpeed Web Server can help you conquer the challenges of deploying an effective […]

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