Magento Community 1.9.1 Released

We are excited  to report that Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 has been released! It offers  a new set of features that help create compelling shopping experiences across multiple devices. Magento Community Edition 1.9.1 includes the following new features: Configurable swatches enable merchants to show off a range of product attributes, such as colors, fabrics, or […]

What is the Shellshock Bash bug?

By now you may have heard about a new bug found in the Bash shell. This bug, nick named “Shellshock”, affects the Unix command shell “Bash,” which happens to be one of the most common applications in those systems. This vulnerability affects the shell known as Bash (Bourne Again SHell), which is installed on *Nix […]

New Data Floor Build

We are pleased to announce that we have started work on our new data floor, adding extra capacity and resilience to our existing infrastructure. This will be a two part plan with a new build out of flooring, racks and power due for completion September 2014. These racks have been provisioned at the high specification […]

Samsung 850 PRO SSD 256GB Review

Despite being introduced a couple of years ago now, Samsung’s 840 PRO continues to find itself at the top of performance tree, with other manufacturers playing catch up. Samsung has now launched the 850 PRO, the replacement for the SSD 840 PRO. The 850 PRO uses of a new type of NAND. Typically, the focus […]

Insecure Nonce Generation in WPtouch

If you use the popular WPtouch plugin (5m+ downloads) on your WordPress site, you should update it immediately.   This was discovered yesterday, it’s a very dangerous vulnerability that could potentially allow a user with no administrative privileges, who was logged in (like a subscriber or an author), to upload PHP files to the target […]

Magento Go has gone

Magento Go will close it’s doors on Feb. 1, 2015. Magento, the e-commerce platform of eBay Inc.’s e-commerce division eBay Enterprise, will discontinue two of its products geared toward small and mid-sized e-retailers, Magento announced today. The Magento Go and ProStores platforms, which count as clients 10,000 merchants, will have the plug pulled on Feb. […]

Dell Poweredge R220 review

We have used the Dell R200, R210, R210 II so were looking forward to getting our hands on the R220. Externally nothing much has changed, you get a slightly different status display and a grey bezel that matches the other next gen Dell Poweredge servers. The R210II was based on the Ivy bridge architecture and […]

Samsung launches enterprise 3-bit SSD drives

Samsung Electronics have said today that it has begun mass producing the industry’s first high-performance, three bit NAND-based SSD for servers and data centers. Installations of the 3-bit MLC (multi-level-cell) NAND SSDs, initially in large-scale data centers, are expected to begin in the next few months. The new PM853T SSD, available in 240GB, 480GB and […]

Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL made public

******* UPDATE  10th April 2014 We are aiming to have all managed and shared customers secured by the end of business today. We have seen issues with Litespeed needing a separate fix, this is now resolved ******* Administrators should patch a severe flaw in a software library used by millions of websites to encrypt sensitive […]

New R1 Backup Server

Our newest R1soft backup server went live this week, with an impressive 18TB drive array. This marks the latest step in our commitment to customers data. All backup servers are now running the 18TB raid ten arrays and we have seen a great improvement in disk IO and backup time. We added 2 SSD drives […]

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