New Features in cPanel & WHM 11.50
We’ve been using 11.50 at Simple Servers since its release, there are some exciting new features on the latest tier of cpanel & WHM. Some features of specific interest are.
CentOS 7 Support *
As part of version 11.50, cPanel & WHM offers support for CentOS 7 on fresh installations.
Synchronised Calendar & Contacts
One of cPanels most loved features is getting even better now that they have added the ability to synchronize your calendar and contacts remotely via third-party apps.
You can protect your server against spam with greylisting, a nifty new feature that intelligently rejects unverified emails.
Over 25 Additional Improvements!
Detailed information on all cPanel & WHM 11.50 features can be found at cPanel Documentation. An overview of the latest features and benefits is also available at cPanel Releases.
* CentOS 7 major changes
As of March 2015 ABRT (>= 2.1.11-19.el7.centos.0.1) can report bugs directly to You can find information about that feature at this page
- Support for new processors (Intel Broadwell) and graphics (AMD Hawaii)
- Full support for LVM cache
- Ability to mount ceph block devices
- Updated Hyper-V network drivers
- New libguestfs features
- Full support for OpenJDK-1.8.0
- Improved clock stability (for PTP and NTP)
- Updated Networkmanager packages to version 1.0
- Updated docker to 1.4.1
- Updated OpenSSH to 6.6.1
- New package: Mozilla Thunderbird
- Update to numerous storage, network and graphics drivers
- Technology Preview: Support of the Btrfs file system, OverlayFS and the Cisco VIC kernel driver
More information can be found here
CentOS 7 Depreciated Features
- i686-versions of the following packages: krb5-server and krb5-server-ldap
- further deprecated packages: libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc, libvirt-daemon-lxc and libvirt-login-shell