Full featured, lightweight data grids – Dgrid

next-generation grid component that takes full advantage of modern browsers and object stores. Lightweight, modular, and easily extensible, dgrid is released under the same open-source license and CLA as the Dojo Toolkit.

Modern Architecture

dgrid has been designed to take advantage of AMD with granular dependencies; this means it only loads the bare essentials.

Column Plugins

Reshape the way a column behaves through the use of plugins such as Editor and Tree.


Resize columns, drag and drop reorder, pagination and more are achieved through dgrid extensions. Or easily create your own extensions to meet your specific needs.


dgrid ships with several default themes including the Claro theme to match the popular Dijit theme. You can easily customize dgrid through well documented CSS and/or jQuery ThemeRoller classes.

Mobile Support

dgrid has been tested to work on iOS and Android browsers. Providing accelerated scrolling for your data on the go.

The keyboard mixin adds keyboard handling functionality. The arrow keys can be used to navigate the focus across cells and rows, providing accessibility and ease of use.

looks great and will surely help make any app look great

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